- EST – Wadowice – Poland
- CKZiU nr 2 - Wadowice - Poland
- Centro Machiavelli - Florence - Italy
- CTI - Patras - Greece
Project coordinator
EST is an educational establishment offering non-formal learning activities both to young people and adults. Our particular interests lie in digital technology – we provide a maker space to involve our participants in various forms of digital creativity. The content of these workshops is best reflected in the thematics of our recent projects:
EARLY – Education Advancements through Robotics Labs for Youth (Erasmus+). We have teamed up with schools from Island, Estonia, Finland and Italy to organise, improve and enlarge teachers’ repository of tools based on robotics in order to facilitate teaching of coding, math and science.
MakeApp Club (Erasmus+). We created an informal learning space for young people to come together and undertake digital making projects: games, mobile apps, interactive websites, etc. The idea is to foster an environment for peer learning in which young people can support each other in line with their varied capacities and talents as designers and coders.
3D Lab (Erasmus+) is a current project particularly relevant for the present initiative. We created a workshop fitted with cutting-edge digital technologies to let young people develop their artistic and conceptual ideas into reality with the use of 3D design and printing equipment. This is a project in the youth field hence the workshops have a lighter form of experimenting with prototyping tools. Now we invite VET students to the Lab and enrich their formal school curriculum learning.
The Center for Vocational and Continuing Education (Centrum Kształcenia Zawodowego i Ustawicznego – CKZiU) was established in March 2017 as a result of integration of two vocational schools. The newly established Center is the heir to the long tradition of the two schools and a continuator of a rich offer of vocational education, meeting expectations of employers who need well-educated, qualified and specialist staff.
The programme of teaching covers the areas of electro-electronics, mechanics, mining-metallurgy, building construction and carpentry and is supported by apprenticeships and internships – and finding a job after its completion.
Keeping pace with technological developments, we use the latest technology and multimedia programs in the education of our students. We cooperate with local employers and institutions with a significant impact on the local labour market, including the Craftsmen’s Guild and Chamber of Commerce in the organization of student internships, practical workshops and career counseling.
The Machiavelli Centre, founded in 1978, was accredited as a consultancy and training organisation by the Region of Tuscany in 2008 and obtained the ISO9001 and ISO29990 quality certifications. The Centre operates within EU programmes and in training activities.
The Centre has two departments corresponding to its two main fields of activity: Language School for Foreigners and Training Agency. The latter, involved in this project, has been set up with the following aims:
- Promote training paths and models of professional development, functional to local needs, which contributes to the preservation and development of innovation in very traditional sectors
- Foster methodological and technological innovation in training, through the creation and testing of innovative projects
- Promote collaboration and integration among different subjects involved in high quality education
- Promote the training of trainers, teachers and educators in general
Centro Machiavelli realises courses and runs innovative projects in the field of craftsmanship and the use of state-of-the-art technology in education. The practical training in direct contact with artists and artisans is one of the main methods adopted by Machiavelli Training Centre for promoting an effective learning aimed to facilitate the access to the labour market both as self-employed or employed artist/artisan.
The Computer Technology Institute and Press “Diophantus” (CTI) is an organization focusing on research and development in Information and Communication Technologies. Particular emphasis is placed on education, by developing and deploying conventional and digital media in education and lifelong learning.
CTI was founded in 1985. It was a strategic decision of the Greek Ministry of Education in 2011 to establish CTI as its technological pillar supporting ICT in education and as the publishing body of Greek school books and electronic educational materials.
The Institute has longstanding experience in pedagogical application of educational technology in schools, in designing and developing educational software and learning scenarios, in co-coordinating and supervising large-scale national actions for schools, in implementing pilot projects introducing new ICT-based educational methods in schools etc.
CTI has a key role in the development and running of the Greek Schools’ Network (www.sch.gr), the National educational intranet which interlinks all 16.000 schools and provides basic and advanced telematics services. CTI has also a very significant role in the state programmes concerning the training and further-education of school teachers in ICT Technologies.